If so, I have decided to merge my two blogs and won't be posting on this one anymore. I don't think that my weight loss/healthy eating/exercise/blah blah should have it's own page seperate from my life page because it IS my life! A HUGE part of my life, actually! So....
Monday, March 28, 2016
Is anyone out there?
If so, I have decided to merge my two blogs and won't be posting on this one anymore. I don't think that my weight loss/healthy eating/exercise/blah blah should have it's own page seperate from my life page because it IS my life! A HUGE part of my life, actually! So....
The Bunny Lost
- :::insert spoiled voice::: I don't WANT 4 stupid pieces. I want 104.
- I couldn't even think of which 4 I would choose, honestly, none of them appealed to me-- which told me that it wasn't really the candy itself that I wanted, it was Veruca (that spoiled little girl!), being told no and throwing a tantrum.
- :::alert--this is the twisted one::: I spend a good part of the day bitching and pouting and threatening to eat the candy to Lonnie. It wasn't til the evening when he caught on to my shenanigans, had had enough, and finally said, "Go ahead. Eat whatever you want, but I am not going to." The wanting was instantly gone because I wasn't getting the negative attention from him anymore.
Sunday, March 27, 2016
You're KILLIN' ME, Bunny!
As I filled many little fake plastic eggs for my way-too-old-for-this children (one of which is 20), I had SEVERAL moments of weakness. The first of which was at Target when I was going to get the kids Peeps for their baskets with the sole purpose of my getting to eat some. The Peeps stayed in the cart for about 3 minutes and then went back on the shelf. This shit is not easy. My brain is a battlefield of;
"Maybe just a few pieces..."
"Maybe we should just take the weekend off and start back on Monday...."
"Wow, some of those m&ms in the microwave would be just perfect......"
I did not give in to the spoiled little girl inside that wants what she wants when she wants it!!! And I won't today either.
And WHY not? Because I FEEL GOOD DAMNIT and I want to KEEP feeling good!
Thursday, March 24, 2016
This Birthday girl didn't eat no cake

I celebrated my 42nd birthday on Saturday and I celebrated it with lots of love from family and friends and some super awesome presents, but NO CAKE or ICE CREAM! I didn't even want it. I know that having that stuff will just make me want more and more of it, and I also know that it will make me feel like crap mentally and physically, so I skipped it. Yes it felt weird. No I didn't feel like I was missing out. Instead Lonnie and I spent the afternoon in the kitchen making my FAVORITE spicy chicken Mexican bowls with homemade guac, and because it was my birthday and I am not a masochist, I even had some rice in my bowl. (ACTUALLY I am reading a great book called 'Paleo Takeout' and I learned that there is considerable evidence that white rice is actually NOT the devil that we think it is. And since I like that information, I am going with it!) Starting out my 42nd year on earth in this way really feels symbolic, like this is my year. This is the year I get my shit together and shed some serious poundage. When I finally get that exercise component into play LOOK OUT WORLD!
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
We're back, baby!
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Haha what a terrible pic |
Friday, March 4, 2016
Hello? Anyone there?
I'm a mess.
I can blame that I just started grad school.
I can blame that my work schedule has just changed.
I can blame... well... it's winter.... it's this... it's that..... blah blah blah
None of those excuses are actual things that have prevented me from eating well. None of them. What HAS prevented me from eating well. I don't want to. I don't feel like it. I don't want to plan. I don't want o grocery shop
I feel gross. I feel bloaty and fat and my clothes feel tight. Lonnie has gained weight too, and because he only gains weight in his belly, it shows quickly and makes him feel gross. We need to get our shit together. ASAP.
How do you get that driven feeling back once it disappears!!?? I don't even want to grocery shop for the "good healthy foods" because well.... probably because part of me knows that I am just going to waste it and part of me knows that if I buy it, then I should get back on it and I DON'T WANNA!!
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

- There was Pirate's Booty
- There was a mini Ben and Jerry's cookie dough cup
- There were cheez its
- There was chinese take-out
- There was Carrabas bread and lobster ravioli (with the insides squished out because it was nasty)
- There were egg Mcmuffins
- And last night when we got home... I had a "last meal" of pancakes.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Fake Sugar and vacation countdown!

Last week I had been thinking that by this week I would not have that iced coffee in my hand and would be off artificial sweeteners. I am not. Not even a little. I am trying to be more mindful about it and make a least a few choices here and there that don't involve that garbage. I didn't have any diet soda at all yesterday, and I drank a cup of tea with no real or fake sugar in it at all, and actually enjoyed it!
We leave on Friday for our vacation and I feel awesome that I have been able to stick to this the whole time!! I do wish I had exercised more and was in better running shape, but, oh well... it is what it is.
The big test now is coming HOME from vacation and staying attached to this new lifestyle. I am actually not worried about the vacation itself. The food in Mexico is all real. actual food, and we don't eat crap down there anyway. We DO, however, drink lots of sugary margaritas, and I have NO plans to skimp on those! ;-) I never gain weight on vacation though, we are SO active- walking-swimming-snorkeling-biking-hiking-ziplining-parasailing....... that it all evens out. The tricky parts are the travel days. I think my Cinnabon experience will help me stay on track as eating shitty food while traveling does NOT work for me, or anyone around me ;-)
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Tastes like victory
Yesterday and today have been Hellacious work days. I had to get gas today because I was on 'E. ' I also had to get gas YESTERDAY because I was on 'E. ' I've been everywhere man. <--sing that
By the end of today I was... AM (still on the clock til midnight) EXHAUSTED. I was soooo tempted to swing into McDonald's emotionally AND HUNGERALLY, BUT I resisted. And I had help holding out til I got home thanks to an awesome text husband letting me know that he had cooked a Frittata and had it ready and waiting for me to come home. So OF COURSE I wasn't going to eat and ruin my appetite and his efforts to help me stay on track!
Another victory....
I felt like a cup of tea (Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride is MY JAM!) to warm me up emotionally AND hungerally ;) And I actually thought to myself, "Well I don't want to get my blood sugar all up right before bed." Who the hell AM I!?
SO... I enjoyed my tea without any sweetener just a tea bag and hot water. And it was actually GOOD!
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Day 34- The good the bad and the ugly

and can FEEL that this is PMS related--- It appears knowing is not actually half the battle when you still stuff a pizza into your gob anyway.
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New gym pants from Lane Bryant |
The good:
Olive Garden dressing--- basically candy. |
-Went to Olive Garden with Jessi yesterday, and while I did have some stuff I shouldn't have, a few risotto rice balls, chicken gnocchi soup, and lots of salad (you know that dressing is terrible for you, right-- it'll full of sugar!!
), I passed on breadsticks, and I stuck to one small bowl of soup-- and I didn't finish it.
Oh yeah I had a berry Sangria too ;-) More sugar, but SO yummy!
-I got some AWESOME new gym pants from Lane Bryant. I usually only shop there for bras and undies, I have never really liked the way their clothes fit. They were having a giant clearance and I tried them on and LOVE LOVE LOVE. They are super flattering and stay in place when lifting and running. WIN WIN WIN!
The bad:
-The two giant margaritas before the Brad Paisley concert. (Please don't assume from this that I am a country music loving redneck!!!), I have no regrets though, as we had SO MUCH FUN out and about with our friends!
-Small pizza for dinner last night. OMG it was so good, but I really should have made a better choice. Pizza is probably what I miss the most when I am watching carbs and none of those supposed substitutes even come close, so I don't even bother. Pizza once a month or so is not going to kill me. (Next month news headline: Woman Chokes and Dies on Pizza Crust)
-The gym probably isn't happening at all this weekend as we are trying to super clean the house and get errands done because we leave for our trip on Friday!
The Ugly:
Bitch please. There is no ugly here!
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Day 30!
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Luna looks on in the kitchen as the crazy lady takes a yoga selfie |
Things that have not changed....
- I am still fat. (I shouldn't say things like that, I know.... positive self talk... blah blah blah....)
- I still have a LOT of bags of clothes that are waiting for me to be smaller so that I can wear them.
- I cannot run 3 miles without walking at all.
- I still do not go to the gym or exercise as much as I would like to
- I still love Justin Bieber
- And One Direction.
Things that HAVE changed....
- I have LESS fat on my body.
- The button on my jeans is not standing on the ledge threatening to of jump from the pressure it's under.
- I can wear some of the clothes that I had not been wearing because they didn't fit properply.
- I can run/walk in 1 minute intervals easily for 15 minutes (and surely more than that, but that is all I have done so far)
- I feel confident in the weight room at the gym, even when Lonnie is not there with me
- I LOOK FORWARD to Sunday yoga
- I don't crave McDonald's anymore. Or cheez its. Or sour patch kids.
- We have saved probably around $200-400 dollars this month because there is no more nightlt convenience store snack run. When I think of the shitty food and wasted money.... I almost didn't even want to type that one out because it's embarrassing.
- Much less alcohol is being consumed. We used to have a tradition of finding new wines to pair with our dinner on Wednesdays, and on weekends would have a couple drinks in the evening. BUT, even if I have one glass of alcohol, I feel like a zombie in the morning and have to drag my ass out of bed, and I don't need excuses to not get up and going!! ESPECIALLY on Sunday mornings because I want to feel good for yoga!
- My skin is better, breakouts and blemishes are basically non-existent!
- I never have "stomach issues" anymore or wake up feeling gross
- There have also been some weird changes that may or may not be related....
- I get up earlier every day
- I make my bed every day
- I have started to enjoy folding and putting away laundry and it doesn't just live in baskets anymore
Days 28 and 29

NO time yesterday to blog or take my weekly 'useless-does-not-illustrate-anything-at-all iced coffee selfie' ;-) I actually got called in to work before I even got out of bed!! I DID manage to hork down leftover chicken with guac from Sunday nights dinner though, so was able to start a crazy day off right! It felt good to make myself a priority and not just throw everything out the window and eat shitty food because I am overwhelmed and busy.
I was on the road all day, and did not have time or inclination to pack a lunch, so when I finally had a second to breath, I ran into a grocery store deep in the woods of Greenville, Maine, picked up a cheese stick, a bag of macadamia nuts (YUM!!! Hadn't had those in FOREVER!!!), and a yellow pepper and munched my way back to civilization. Again.... feeling AWESOME that I am not using the hectic-ness of my job as an excuse to derail. I even stopped at McDonald's for a sugar-free iced coffee, and didn't even think about my once-coveted "#2-cheesburgers plain!"
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Days 25, 26, AND 27
As far as the eating part goes, it's going great! Yesterday Lonnie and I went on a mini road trip. The plan for our last stop was the grocery, but by the time we got there, we had hit a wall, hard. There was talk of having a cheat day aND just buying some snacks, but I couldn't do it. And I honestly considered it, but no "bad food" even sounded appetizing enough to derail how great it have been feeling. So instead we went home and had some chicken. ....and some rum. Hey nobody said I was a saint ;-)
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Days 23 and 24
Still going string, which I honestly find rather odd. I think retraining my brain by reminding myself that sugar is the devil is actually working. "That Sugar Film" is really what drove this change. And I REALLY want it to stick! However, after I first watched 'Supersize Me,' I couldn't eat McDonald's for 6 months, and obviously that creeped it's way back in, and that is EASY to avoid eating. Sugar is freaking EVERYWHERE!!
The times I falter, or waiver a bit, is when cooking for the family. For example... Tonight I am making Pot Roast. And on the side I am making Salt and vinegar potatoes that someone posted a few weeks ago and Lonnie and I have been obsessed with trying...but haven't because they take so freaking long to cook!
My Pot Roast is fucking awesomesauce. And the most awesome part IS the sauce aka gravy! Flour is a no-no for me. But nor do I want to use weird low-carb chemically thickeners. Also... the family will organize a revolution if I mess with one of their favorite things that I only make 2-3 times a year!! So what should I do? Make it anyway? Don't use the gravy on mine? ::::SAD FACE:::: Just have some since it's not a regular occurrence? I................DON'T....................KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Day 22- Again with the effing snacks
-Have a handful of nuts (YEAH!! THAT would be SO satisfying!)
-Make this 18 ingredient dessert or bread made up of bizzare chemicals. (GREAT IDEA!! Eating healthy should ALWAYS involve filling your body with lab created "food.")
-There is a bizarre obsession with these things called "FAT BOMBS." The name is disgusting. As is the premise. It just seems SO necessary! Like eating something just to.... eat something?
So basically my search was a waste of time. I have no idea what "normal" people that don't eat sugar snack on. Fruit I guess. Dumb.
Also I read an article lately extolling the evils of artificial sweetener. Which I have already known forever, but right now just seems like the last fucking thing I want to hear. Now I feel like an asshole when I drink my beloved morning coffee (because I use 2 squirts of Torani sugar free syrup). And then I feel like an asshole again when I have a diet caffeine free soda later on. I DO NOT LIKE TO DRINK PLAIN WATER. My daughter has been doing this lately....
She claims it is delicious, but it seems like a lot of work and a lot of wasted fruit to me.
WOW, am I bitchy today or WHAT!?
Monday, January 18, 2016
Yikers! Days 19, 20 AND 21!
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Monday selfie- coffee happened much earlier on the road! |
Friday, January 15, 2016

I still need to figure out how to deal with my salty, crunchy snack needs. New goal for the weekend..... Pinterest up some low carb snack ideas.
One thing I KNOW I like is cheese "crackers." BUT.... cheese is fucking expensive and you get SO little cracker out of so much cheese!! (....not to mention all the oil that drains off it all is kinda gross but I digress)
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Day 16 and 17- It's getting hard to keep track of the days!

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Lazy, Cozy, I DON'T WANNA GET OUT OF BED selfie |
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Day 15 and 16

I planned like a fiend for my possibly busy Monday. I made a chopped salad and brought it with me to the office to eat before or between clients.
I did NOT plan for finishing up with a client that took 4 hours, and then being sent in a 'no-time-to-sit-and-eat-your-salad' rush to meet with a bunch more clients at a hospital an hour away.
So I left my salad in the fridge for today. And I got Mcdonald's. I could easily have made a better choice by picking up some nuts and fruit or veggies at the store and munching those in the car on the way to Dover. I could have even still made a reasonable choice at McDonald's and kept the carbs low by getting an Egg Mcmuffins and not eating the muffin part, but I didn't do that either. I got my favorite #2 with the cheesburgers plain. And it was delicious! HOWEVER.... I then let it open the floodgates because once at the hospital, one of the doctors had brought in some hot homemade bread and I was all...."well..... I mean I already had Mcdonalds today......." and had 3 slices, with butter of course ;-)
(cough cough and I had a Ghirardelli chocolate caramel square. cough cough)
I woke up this morning feeling gassy and blech. I am glad I recognized feeling not as good as I have the past few weeks because of food and I am trying to really focus on that and not on how delicious that bread and Mcds was--- the chocolate, I honestly didn't even really enjoy. I hopped right back onto the wagon this morning and my beautiful salad was patiently waiting for me :)
BTW.... I am watching the Biggest Loser and today they are being forced to eat "bad foods" like fettucine alfredo, mac and cheese, nachos, pizza.... You know, all the stuff that made them fat. And I find it hysterical that they are ALL acting like it doesn't even taste good and it's sooooooo disgusting. That is PURE UTTER BULLSHIT!! You know they fucking loved every damn bite. It's only week 2 for cryin' out loud, they haven't 'lost the taste for junk' ....honestly I am not sure you EVER lose the taste for fettucine alfredo. It's freaking SCIENCE to love that shit!
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Day 14- Two weeks of success!
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Running at the gym... back to the beginning of Couch to 5k |
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pose because I have zero balance and it. was. HYSTERICAL!
We even went to the movies today and ate a healthy, late, protein-packed, breakfast Fritatta before leaving, passed on the moviesnacks and ordered our favorite grilled chicken salads to pick up on the way home. I did "splurge" a little and did not pick out my croutons, but I DID skip the included pita bread that I usually use to scrape up every last bit of their magical basil vinaigrette dressing.
Still pondering tomorrow's gym plan. I am HELLA SORE from squats and yoga... and probably the running too. Thinking I need a day off.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Days 12 and 13

My 13 year old son is a whole other blog.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Day 1 1
Well I was a bit lazy today, but sticking to keeping the sugar down. I was hankering for something sweet, so I made one of my old standby concoctions that I use when low-carbing. Whipping cream with a squirt of my sugar free vanilla sweetener, drizzled with 2 tablespoons of melted (in the microwave with a little of the cream to make a ganache) semisweet chocolate chips, and sprinkled with pecans. Obviously this is an occasional indulgence, but still a better choice for me than the crap I usually eat.
I actually ALMOST ran today and then foolishly decided to wait til Sean got home and I was going to make him go with me. ...between my urge to run in 39 degrees and Seans school bus arrival, the urge disappeared.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Day 10- Gym again!
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Day 9- Doin' fine
On another note I need to figure out how to fix the giant-ass banner of this blog.
Monday, January 4, 2016
Day 8 and FEELIN' GREAT!!!
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My weekly Monday morning iced-coffee photo that really illustrates nothing...lol |
"Sticking to it" this weekend went GREAT! I had a 1/2 cup of rice in my taco bowl, and we put a little honey in our coconut shrimp batter, but all of those are still whole foods, and we kept it to a minimum, so YAY US! In the past, we have always had a "cheat day." This time, since my current goal was is just stick to this for a month, I decided on no cheat days. This was a little scary. But you know what I have learned.
- Cheat days are BULLSHIT.
- Cheat days are just terrible.
- Cheat days are wrong.
- Cheat days teach you to look forward to a day of gluttony.
- Cheat days tell your brain that those are the "good foods" that you look forward to all week.
- Cheat days make you have to "start all over again" EVERY WEEK. Starting in the first place is hard enough!
- Cheat days allow you to eat foods that are SCIENTIFICALLY ENGINEERED to make your body crave more, making you literally have to withdraw/detox from all that shit every week. AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FO THAT!

- Cheat days always have leftovers that you feel guilty about throwing away (you know... all those starving children in Africa ....or Detroit.), that stare you in the face the next morning begging you to just finish them off to get them out of the house.
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Days 6 and 7

But fear not. This I haven't quit or fallen off the wagon or anything. I was just BUSY!!! Busy NOT going to the gym as planned. And it's football day today, so it's not happening today either :)
After a loooooooong day of visiting with family and then shopping. I made DELICIOUS chicken bowls. We had planned on going to Chipotle, but the mall area was crazy and we were all beat. So I turned my kitchen into an even better Chipotle! SO GOOD!!!!
Today is football food day. We have the stuff to make veggies and dip and coconut shrimp, and I am getting hungry just thinking about it!!!
Maybe I will have a piece of the delicious frittata that Lonnie made yesterday to tie me over :) BTW.... FRITTATAS ARE SO INTO THE ROTATION!!
Friday, January 1, 2016
Day 5
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I went into my shift prepared and armed with a snack of rendered pepperoni chips and cheese. I actually didn't get a headache like I usually do on night shifts. Did still have nausea when the hardcore sleep deprivation kicked in.
Still haven't made it to the gym and that is driving me bonkers. Couldn't have gone today anyway because they closed early and I had to sleep. Lonnie and I plan to go tomorrow. That place will be a shit show with all the New Year's Resolutioners!
Fun low carb research today! Football snacks....
I think we are going with coconut shrimp and veggies and dip. CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!
I also found this that I can't wait to make and eat for breakfast every morning this week!!! We also want to try turning spinach artichoke dip into a frittata! YUM!
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Now off to research some low carb cocktails.......